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Der ganze Islam ist radikal. Nicht nur die Taleban.Noch bevor Taleban wieder an die Macht kam, war es in Afghanistan illegal, zum Christentum zu konvertieren.

Stop saying feminism, start saying equalinism. If we change the rhetoric to "I care about people — all people. I care about equality in all forms, and you should too

Christians is the most discriminated people around the World. They are in most cases discriminated by muslims. Hungary is ready to help persecuted Christians

Kim jesteśmy? Polska Liga Obrony skupia Patriotów, którzy chcą zadbać o dobro naszego kraju Czym się zajmujemy? Podejmujemy działania mające na celu zakaz imigrantów islamskich

As the Muslim population increases in the United States, so too will the number of Islamic terror attacks. This is because the pool from which the radicals recruit grows bigger

I want to suggest that all we Christians choose to make as many children as those beautiful Christian quiverfull families. We have to ensure that there will always be a Christian majority in this world

L’islam c’est le mensonge, la falsification, la dissimulation élevés au rang de vérité divine
Nous avons reçu un commentaire d’un musulman Ali Noor qui est l’archétype de la pratique des soumis à Allah pour essayer de nous berner et nous rouler dans la semoule

Recognize and reject Islam, which has as a central commandment to erase the Infidel — that's you — from the face of the earth

Trump won. Trump is the real President
10 Reasons I Support Our President
One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all

Persecution of Christian minorities in muslim countries needs to stop. Christians are constantly killed and tortured by muslims
Knights Templars aim to defend all Christians against muslim oppression

Jøder forfølges og overfaldes i stigende grad af muslimer i Danmark
Stigende antisemitisme i Danmark og danske jøders frygt for at stå frem Det Jødiske Samfund i Danmark registrerer antisemitiske hændelser i Danmark

The alliance between the democratic party and muslim terrorists will continue
Biden Will Fund Taliban Through ‘Humanitarian Aid’

Police in the German city of Cologne detained two men suspected of seriously injuring a Jewish 18-year-old on Friday night, in a group assault against the Jewish community

Conservative content from Poland. Born in France to Polish parents, now back to Poland

Time to stop Muslim immigration to U.S. before it's too late
Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard is on trial this week for telling the truth about Islam

Svenska kvinnor våldtas, svenska män misshandlas och mördas, skolor och andra byggnader bränns ner, kollektivtrafik och andra samhällsfunktioner saboteras. Unga människor bryts ned av narkotika. Allt på grund av muslimsk invandring

Bringing an End to Abortion
Assorted Reasons & Means to Actively Pursue an Abortion-Free Future

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