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Halsingland Hope. Hoppet om att finna Jesus i detta livet så att man kan finna den rätta vägen. Hope Hälsingland sjunger o berättar om tron i Kristus

Almtery, who calls her self a Saudi feminist and an ex-Muslim, took to Twitter posting photos of her wedding, explaining that she got married in 2019 but didn’t want to announce it on social media until she felt safe to do so because Saudi Arabia forbids religious conversion from Islam and punishes it by death
Months after posting her photo of New Year’s prayers in a church in Canada announcing her conversion from the Islamic faith to Christianity, Saudi Fayza Almtery

Christian Charities USA is a diverse group of national and international charities working together to relieve suffering and despair. What sets us apart is the dependability and dedication of our member charities as we work in every area of our country and our world to ease the suffering of people who could use a helping hand: physically, mentally, and spiritually

Il-Bibbja bil-Malti. Il-ħames edizzjoni. 2020.
Il-Bibbja bil-Malti. It-tieni edizzjoni. 1996.
Il-Vulgata. Traduzzjoni tal-Bibbja bil-Latin minn San Ġilormu. c 382.
Il-Bibbja b'ilsna oħra.
Tagħrif dwar il-Bibbja. Bosta paġni ta' riżorsi dwar il-Kotba Mqaddsa.
Domandi dwar il-Bibbja.
Dizzjunarju Bibliku.

Learn about prayer in Christianity. Discover the most famous and powerful prayers for healing, strength, and salvation
Let us pray with everyone with love and cherish that God is sovereign over all powers and principalities of this world

Somali Christians ARRESTED in Somaliland | Somali Christian TV
Lord Jesus protect this couple and keep them safe, change the hearts and remove their hate. Amen

お茶の間に福音!どうぞご家族でお楽しみください!あなたの心をうるおす キリスト教テレビ番組、毎週土曜日朝7:00~7:30は、チバテレビ(46ch)“ライフ・ライン”でお楽しみください。

We are a Christian organization on a mission to release thousands of families from grinding poverty through award winning debt counselling and community groups. By equipping and empowering local churches to reach out on their doorsteps, we’re bringing hope to tens of thousands of people every year in the name of Jesus Christ

The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army's doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise God's saving purposes

En Television Cristiana en Vivo puedes encontrar Canales cristianos que edificarán tu vida, solo elige Tu TV cristiana

Muslims Are Converting to Christianity in Record Numbers
“We are in a time of a mass conversions of Muslims,” Father Mitch Pacwa SJ told me in a phone interview. “God is doing a mighty work among them.”

Catholic Relief Services: Faith, Action, Results. We work with organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture and access affordable health care

የራዕዩ ባለቤት እግዚአብሔር፣ የራዕዩ ተቀባይ ፓስተር አበራ፤ እግዚአብሔር በሰጠኝ ፀጋና እውቀት ራዕዩን እንዳካሂድ አኔን አስገብቶ በሦስት የተገመደ ገመድ እንደማይበጠስ አገልግሎቱ በእግዚአብሔር መሪነት ተጀመረ፡ ፡ በውስጣችን የነበረው ሀሴት ይህ ነው ተብሎ አይገለፅም፡፡ አገልግሎቱ እንደሚጀምር እርግጠኛ ስንሆን

Founded in 1980 by Bob and Gretchen Devoe, Lifeline Christian Mission began with its first clinic in Haiti. Helping the local people by providing physical care and spiritual ministry, our work quickly spread to other countries in need, including Honduras, Cuba, El Salvador, and more

Christian relief organizations in the Netherlands recently raised the alarm about the fact that Christian refugees in the country are being threatened or bullied on a regular basis, especially when they used to be Muslim. Three of these refugees were willing to share their story

We are reminded that Christ lives among us still, sharing the pain of our destitute brothers and sisters

Join us as we come alongside the local church
to deliver life-saving food and aid
with a message of Hope that is eternal.
Let's deliver Hope together

У Исусу Христу Сину својем показа Бог љубав ‘која превазилази разум.’ Онај кроз кога Света Тројица створи свет јави се као човек у телу, да јави човечанству љубав Свете Тројице, дотле непознату свету

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - A Pakistani woman from Punjab who has chosen to convert from Islam to Christianity has been threatened with death and forced to flee from her home

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