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New report from Red Hat shows open source software provides higher quality, more innovation, and better security than alternatives

What does sustainability look like for open source projects? VM Brasseur considers four key questions to help determine the answer for your project.

Version control systems are an integral part of software development. Learn the top 10 revision control systems and how well they integrate with Linux

Voices: O'Reilly Media's Mike Loukides explains how software design patterns provide a common language for solving problems

Learn about open source initiatives and technologies designed to reinforce and enhance security of the Linux kernel

DARPA and The Linux Foundation partner to establish an open source software development collaboration ecosystem

Voices: Suz Hinton explains the importance of creating accessible software development tools and describes simple ways to get started

Can you communicate technical topics effectively? Jacob Kaplan-Moss explores a frequently asked software engineering interview question and explains why it’s important.

New survey commissioned by IBM and O'Reilly Media suggests developers benefit more by building open source cloud technologies skills

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!